Relax, you have a guaranteed buyer

How does Guaranteed Buyer Work?

Guaranteed Buyer gives you a chance at achieving an open market price on your existing property with our offer (which is based on a quick sale) waiting in the wings if you need it.

So how does it work? 

Terms & Conditions and Purchasing Criteria

Terms & Conditions 

The Guaranteed Buyer service will be considered subject to Legal & General Homes' purchasing criteria, terms and conditions. We have the right to refuse your application for the Guaranteed Buyer service.

To determine a fair price to offer for your existing home, Legal & General Homes will obtain two independent valuations based on achieving a sale in a four to eight week period and our offer will be based on those  valuations. If the valuations are very different, we will consult with a surveyor or other expert in property valuations.

If your home has not had a recent home report on it, we will carry out a survey on your existing home after you accept an offer. The Guaranteed Buyer sale depends on the results of that survey.

In the event that the survey reveals problems with your existing home we will talk to you to find a solution, however if we fail to agree terms, we will deduct any cost incurred by Legal & General Homes for the survey and specialist reports when we return your reservation fee.

While your new home is being built you will need to keep us updated as to how your sale is progressing. You cannot use the service with any other incentives or purchase services unless we specifically agree you can at the time you reserve your home.

You agree not to instruct another agent during the period that your Guaranteed Buyer reservation is active and, if you have an existing contract with an agent, you agree you will dis-instruct that agent. Legal & General Homes will not be liable for any related cancellation fees.

Purchasing Criteria

Where a part exchange sale is being considered:

  • Legal & General Homes will only accept part exchange in the absence of a cash purchaser
  • There must be sufficient differential between the value of your existing home and the Legal & General home and market demand/sales potential for us to consider part exchange
  • Geographically, Legal & General Homes will only consider part exchange on a property that can be easily managed from a regional office location
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